Winter Wedding styling in the Cotswolds
Happy New Year everyone! I love the start of a new year, I'm a complete sucker for new years resolutions and making big plans for the year ahead. The last couple of months I've been so busy with editing I barely blogged so I thought I'd start the new year off by sharing some utterly gorgeous wedding styling.
In the lead up to Christmas I got together with 2 of my favourite wedding suppliers - Lizzie from Wedding Yurts UK and Christiane from Honeysuckly flower co. Both these ladies are incredibly at what they do, Lizzie's wedding yurts are things of beauty, such a wonderful place to hold your wedding and she travels all over the country erecting them for people's wedding day. Her styling is also gorgeous. She has the most wonderful collection of props that she manages to create the most beautiful styled pieces from. I love everything about the styling for this shoot and how gorgeous is the dark navy backdrop in the wedding yurt? Perfect for a winter wedding. The winter cocktail that you can see photographed at the end is the most delicious combination of flavours including Thatchers new apple gin, cardamom, chilli, rose and lime and you can find the full recipe over on Wedding Yurts website here
Christiane from Honeysuckle Flower Co is a true artist - the work she creates is so beautiful. The floral art she created here are things of beauty and I love the contrast between the small single stem containers and the elaborate floral display with all those wonderful colours. You can see more of her work here
I hope this sparks some lovely winter wedding styling ideas for you and if you get a chance have a go at the cocktail - it'll knock your socks off!