Confetti Field Photo Shoots 2023

I've had an overwhelming response to my confetti field mini shoots announcement. I am so excited to meet you all and get some gorgeous photos of you and your families in amongst this riot of colour.

I love my mini shoots, they are such a great opportunity to meet so many new people and such an affordable way for people to be able to get family photos they can treasure. These confetti fields photo shoots generally last between 20 and 30 minutes which prevents children getting too bored or grouchy. I always choose a gorgeous location that I know will work well for the photos and send you ideas on how to dress and prepare for the shoot to get the most out of it. Afterwards you receive a gallery of around 30 images and choose whether to purchase just a couple of prints, the full digital gallery, a beautiful frame - it's up to you. I also tend to choose somewhere that you can get more out of after the shoot and have a family day out rather than just a photo shoot in a studio. It's so nice to make the most of having time together and the lovely thing about family shoots is that for the shooting time you are all just focused on each other, not thinking about work, or social media, or jobs you need to do - it's a chance to just be with each other and capture some memories.

I'm so excited to announce that this year I will be back at The Real Flower Petal Company Confetti Fields. This is the perfect place for mini shoots and they are always an absolute sell out. The fields are the most unique setting to get photos of you and your family - a sea of beautiful florals in soft pinks and purples it is a riot of colour and beauty and the children love it because it such a feast for the senses (and there is always the promise of an ice cream after!)

Next, I need to get some dates booked in to order my photography passes for the confetti field photo shoots. Ideally I fit in as many shoots to one day as possible rather than just doing 1 or 2 shoots a day if possible. I know that weekends are often easiest for people, so I'll have a couple of weekend dates open. Be warned though, weekend dates can get insanely busy and weekdays are much quieter making it much easier to get photos without people in the background, so if you can do a weekday then I would highly recommend doing so. I will work on a first come first served basis and ideally will do no more than 4 days, with a minimum of 4 slots filled per day and a maximum of 10. You can read more information about the shoots at the bottom of this blog post.


Date: Friday 30th June - Sunday 9th July
Location: The Confetti Flower Field, Wick, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3NZ
You can read more about this incredible place here:
About the shoot: Shoots will be in half hour slots between 10am and 5pm. They will last approximately 20-30 minutes and in that time we will aim to create approximately 30 beautiful images.
Cost: The shoot will cost £95 and include the shoot and 1 digital image. You can then choose to purchase an additional 5 digital images for £95, the entire digital gallery for £150, individual prints starting from £5 or frames and canvasses starting from £80. You will also need to pay an entry fee which is £7.50 per person, under 5's are free.
How to Book: Email me at with a preferred date and time. I will then confirm if your date and time is available and if not suggest an alternative for you. Once your shoot fee is paid your booking will be confirmed. Nearer the time I will send you an information email with everything you'll need to know about the shoot

Weather: If the weather is forecast to be poor I will email you in the days leading up to the shoot to see if you would like to reschedule. If you are unable to reschedule a full refund will be given

£95 for the shoot and 1 free digital image
5 additional digital images £95
You can then choose to purchase the entire digital gallery for £150
Prints start from £5 per print
Frames and canvasses start at £80

Email me at with your preferred date and time for the mini shoot. If you are flexible then let me know and I will organise a date and time for you.
Once your slot has been confirmed I will need the shoot fee to secure your booking. Nearer the time an information email will be sent out.
